Group 1: Molai Jungle (Jadav Molai Payeng)


Environmental Movement Overview

The Molai Jungle movement, led by Jadav Molai Payeng, focused on transforming a barren land into a thriving forest.

Place and Time

The movement took place in the Molai forest near Kokilamukh, Assam, India, over several decades.


Jadav Molai Payeng, also known as the "Forest Man of India."

Objectives and Goals

Jadav Molai aimed to reforest the area and spread his efforts to other parts of the state, creating a positive impact on the environment.

Movement Activities

Jadav Molai planted thousands of trees and cared for them, turning the barren land into a lush forest.

Achievements and Impact

Jadav Molai successfully transformed the landscape, showcasing the power of individual effort in environmental conservation.

Awards and Recognitions

Jadav Molai received the Padma Shri award, honorary doctorate degrees, and recognition for his remarkable contributions.

Legacy and Influence

Jadav Molai's story inspires individuals to take action for environmental conservation and demonstrates the potential of reforestation.

Group 2: Chipko Movement



Environmental Movement Overview

The Chipko Movement aimed to protect trees and forests from logging through nonviolent protests.

Place and Time

The movement originated in the Himalayan region of Uttarakhand and spread across the Indian Himalayas.


Sunderlal Bahuguna and Chandiprasad Bhatt were prominent leaders of the Chipko Movement.

Objectives and Goals

The movement aimed to prevent deforestation and protect the ecological balance of the region.

Movement Activities

People, especially women, hugged trees to prevent their felling, and protests were carried out against commercial logging.

Achievements and Impact

The Chipko protests led to a 15-year ban on tree felling in Himalayan forests, highlighting the power of grassroots movements.

Awards and Recognitions

Mention any awards or recognitions received by the movement's leaders.

Legacy and Influence

The Chipko Movement set a precedent for eco-conservation protests worldwide and underscored the importance of community-led initiatives.

Group 3: Bishnoi Movement



Environmental Movement Overview

The Bishnoi Movement, initiated by the Bishnoi community in Rajasthan, focused on tree and wildlife protection.

Place and Time

The movement began in Rajasthan, around 260 years ago in the 18th century.


Amrita Devi and the Bishnoi community members were leaders of this movement.

Objectives and Goals

The Bishnoi Movement aimed to conserve trees, wildlife, and promote green living.

Movement Activities

Amrita Devi and 363 Bishnois sacrificed their lives to protect Khejri trees from being cut down.

Achievements and Impact

The movement led to a royal decree against tree cutting in Bishnoi villages and inspired subsequent conservation efforts.

Awards and Recognitions

The Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection Award is a national award instituted by the government of India for wildlife conservation. The award is in the remembrance of Amrita Devi Bishnoi, who was killed in the 1730 Khejarli massacre while trying to protect a grove of Khejri trees in Khejarli, Rajasthan

Legacy and Influence

The Bishnoi Movement's sacrifice for nature's protection remains a symbol of ecological philosophy and conservation dedication.


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